Let’s hang out for a bit in my favorite place, my closet, and talk about something that’s become a regular routine in my life—cleaning out the closet. And I hope it’s something you consider making a regular part of your life, too.

Now, cleaning out your closet might seem like it’s just about getting rid of clothes that don’t fit anymore, but trust me, it goes much deeper than that. It’s really about creating a space that reflects who you are right now, not who you used to be or who you think you should be.

  • The first step? Get rid of anything that doesn’t fit. If it’s too big or too small, it doesn’t belong in your everyday getting-dressed space. Why? Because you deserve to start your day by choosing from clothes that fit the body you’re living in right now. No guilt, no shame—just clothes that make you feel good.
  • And speaking of feeling good, let’s talk about those clothes that fit but just don’t make you feel great. You deserve to feel confident and capable every day, and that’s hard to do if you’re wearing something that drags you down. So if there’s anything in your closet that gives you even a hint of that icky feeling, it’s time to let it go. No excuses, no holding on just because you spent money on it. If it’s not serving you anymore, it’s time to move on.
  • Finally, let’s address the hardest part—getting rid of clothes that are still in good shape but just aren’t your vibe anymore. Maybe your style has evolved, and that’s okay! In fact, it’s more than okay—it’s a sign that you’re growing, changing, and embracing who you are becoming. So give yourself permission to let go of anything that doesn’t reflect who you are today, even if it once was a favorite.

Remember, this process is about more than just cleaning out a physical space. It’s about making room in your life for who you are now and who you’re becoming. So take a deep breath, dive into that closet, and start creating a space that truly reflects you.